The Smart Village Network is an open network with members of villages and associations of villages.
If you are interested in becoming a member or just want to tell us your ideas about the network and the concept of 'smart villages', please contact us through the form below or at
Our current members are:
Finnish Village Movement Association, Finland
Finnish Village Movement Association is the roof organisation of 4200 rural village communities and urban neighborhoods, 54 sub-regional Leader groups and 19 regional village networks in Finland. As Finland is the most rural and sparsely populated country in the EU, we are constantly looking for smart ideas to keep our villages viable, both from service and job provision point of view.
Finnish Village Movement Association, Finland
Koppany-valley Naturpark, Hungary
Koppány-valley Naturpark covers an area of some 16,000 hectares and integrates 10 small villages along the Koppány-creek, with a total population of 2100 people. A LEADER Action Group also operates in the area. Relevant fields of development include addressing extreme poverty, sustainable land use and renewable energy.
Koppany-valley Naturpark, Hungary
Ptuj, Slovenia
We will strive to raise the quality of life in our municipality by excelling in multiple areas of smart environment.
By using information and communication technologies we aim to increase operational efficiency and improve the quality of government services such as energy, mobility and inhabitants' welfare.
Ptuj, Slovenia
Lower Saxony - Germany
We plan to retrieve the attractiveness of our traditional farm village using modern and smart approaches. Giving new perspective to this beautiful patch of land and its people motivates us. Sustainability does not happen. Striving for the new while fostering strong roots: Farming and developing a healthy environment will keep playing a key role in our life.
Lower Saxony - Germany
Burgundy - France
Lormes has an ambition to be a ‘village of the future’; connected to global digital opportunities but also galvanising the community to co-create priority local services. With fibre-optic internet in every street and a multi-functional digital hub/fab-lab and related services, new opportunities are created for business, local government and the rural community.
Burgundy - France
National Association of Virtuous Municipalities,
The National Association of Virtuous Municipalities is a network of about 100 local bodies committed to a balanced and sustainable management of their territories and raising awareness on sustainability.
It collects and spreads good practices with a focus on profitable projects promoting efficiency and energy savings, new ways of life and the active participation of citizens.
La Noguera Medinaceli,
Soria - Spain
La Noguera Medinaceli aims at improving the effectiveness of policies by actively supporting social entrepreneurs in sparsely populated areas as a driver to regional competitiveness, job creation and inclusive growth.
La Noguera Medinaceli believes that Social Enterprises directly benefit local development and local communities.
La Noguera Medinaceli,
Soria - Spain
Arctic Smart Rural Communities, Finland
Our mission is to avoid capital outflow from the Lapland villages and create new innovative enterprises based on circular economy. ProAgria Lapland has created the Agrohub-model for village and community development based on circular and bioeconomy. The Arctic Smart Rural Communities Cluster is developing Villages and it is supported by the Lapland Regional Counsil.
Arctic Smart Rural Communities, Finland
Skibbereen - Ireland
The Ludgate Hub in Skibbereen, Co. Cork Ireland's first 1GB town, is one of the best examples of innovation occurring in rural Ireland and indeed a blue print for other rural areas. Our goals are ambitious, ultimately resulting in a return of the diaspora, creating an ecosystem of creativity and innovation, and progressing the facilitation of job growth via digital technology.
Skibbereen - Ireland
TAGUS, Spain
In TAGUS we believe that building smart villages strongly relies not only on the right services and economic activities, but also on successful governance models. We bring innovation in the rural territory by integrating elements of smart specialisation into the LEADER method, to create a new governance model. Welcome to SMART LEADER!
TAGUS, Spain
SECAD Partnership, Ireland
SECAD Partnership enables rural communities across the Island of Ireland to develop strategies and actions to promote their vibrancy and sustainability under various themes including mobility, digital connectivity, biodiversity, social inclusion, economic regeneration through SMART planning and development
SECAD Partnership, Ireland
Association of Rural Development, Catalonia - Spain
Association of Rural Development, Catalonia - Spain
The Association of Rural Development is a non-profit organisation and a Local Action Group (LAG) in Central Catalonia that aims to foster entrepreneurship in rural areas, especially through a strategic project on circular economy and improving ICT. We believe that these approaches will help our territory becoming more competitive and efficient.
Association of Rural Mayors of France
The Association of Rural Mayors of France unites, informs and represents the mayors of municipalities with less than 3,500 inhabitants. The association is committed to defend the specific interests of rural areas at both local level and national levels. It works towards a more balanced approach to local planning and places its actions within the wider European rural context.
Association of Rural Mayors of France
Rocca di Cerere Geopark, Italy
Rocca di Cerere Geopark is a Local Action Group (LAG) and responsible for the management of Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Global Geopark. The purpose of a UNESCO Global Geopark is to explore, develop and celebrate the links between the area's geological, natural, cultural and intangible heritage. Its strategy fosters an integrated strategic approach to revitalise rural services through digital and social innovation.
Rocca di Cerere Geopark, Italy
Eskola, Finland
Eskola is a small and active village in western Finland. We are a pioneer of village development: our own company Eskola Village Service Ltd. provides daycare, restaurant and domestic services, and the village society operates EU projects. Eskola is also experimenting a new way to organise primary schooling with a partner town 500 km away, using digital teaching applications.
Kantri ry Leader, Finland
Smart Villages is a concept Kantri ry Leader embraces. Local development has limited resources, so it is important to use them smartly. Finland has a “competition” for Smart Villages and related development, based on multi-sectoral approach, and Kantri´s area is active with three villages taking part. Futhermore, now is the right time to influence coming programming period.
Forth Valley Lomond LEADER, Scotland
The FVL was established to invest in the development of villages (Stirling, Clackmannanshire and West Dunbartonshire) located in the area, and large part of the Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park. We wish to advance the opportunities offered by new technologies (e.g. public services) for transforming the way these our rural communities live, work and learn.
Forth Valley Lomond LEADER, Scotland
Swedish LEADER Network
LUS is an association of organisations working with Community Led Local Development (CLLD) under the LEADER approach. Our mission is to develop the LEADER approach further, including through strengthening the exchange of good practices and ideas between villages. Recently, a network of active villages has started as a bottom-up initiative of one of our LAGs.
Monaghan Integrated Development, Ireland
Monaghan Integrated Development works to support rural communities and villages in county Monaghan to provide responses to challenges and opportunities from a social inclusion, employment and local development perspective. These issues include digitisation, transition to low carbon economy, transport, and local circular and bio economy.
Monaghan Integrated Development, Ireland
LAG Prlekija, Slovenia
LAG Prlekija includes 8 municipalities, in an area characterised by a diverse and well-preserved natural and cultural landscape, rich cultural and historical heritage and well-balanced mix of urban and rural settlements. The LAG strategy aims to transform opportunities into strong development potential. The LAG is seeking cooperation on topics such as smart villages and wine routes.
Village Association of Harju County, Estonia
Our aim is to support active, sustainable, economically strong and innovative community-based village associations. We inform, initiate projects and encourage cooperation in the region between different partners.
Membership of SVN gives us new perspective at an international level and the opportunity to exchange about different good practices.
Village Association of Harju County, Estonia
Public Private Partnership Assocation Sernikon, Latvia
"Sernikon" is a Local Action Group working in two coastal counties (Carnikavas and Saulkrastu) that consist mainly of villages. Sernikon aims to develop and implement a strategy for sustainable development based on public participation and develop cooperation with state and municipal organisations, NGO’s, enterprises in Latvia and abroad.
Public Private Partnership Assocation Sernikon, Latvia
Public and Private Partnership Association Zied Zeme, Latvia
Public and private partnership association „Zied zeme“ (Land in Bloom) takes seriously the responsibility as an animator and innovator of rural areas and the smart village concept. Development with a practical focus is our main concern for now and the future.
Public and Private Partnership Association Zied Zeme, Latvia
Irish Local Development Network, Ireland
Irish Local Development Network (ILDN) is the representative body for the 35 rural Local Development Companies who deliver RDP LEADER, Social Inclusion Community Activation Programme, Rural Social Scheme, Rural Recreation Programmes, Local Employment Service, environmental and many other programmes throughout rural Ireland.
Irish Local Development Network, Ireland
Leader Aisapari, Finland
LEADER AISAPARI is a local action group for six rural municipalities in western Finland and it has funded hundreds of local development projects since 1999. The population of the Leader Aisapari area is 51,200. The economic structure of the area is dominated by agriculture and forestry as well as technology industries. Tourism is also a growing field.
LAG of Attica's Island, Greece
LAG of Attica’s Island was founded in 2016 and consists of 8 insular municipalities of Attica Region and 12 other local associations (representing fishing, agricultural, cultural, tourism sector). Its purpose is to act as a “central gateway” for the Attica Islands in international networking partnerships on rural and urban development. The LAG manages CLLD/Leader in the area.
Chiscani - Braila County, Romania
The village of Chiscani is located in Braila County and has a population of 5340 inhabitants. It consists of the villages of Chiscani (residence), Lacu Sarat and Varsatura. The village is on the Danube. Key development areas include the Salt Lake Spa Resort and Natural Park Balta Mica of Braila, agricultural industry, favourable climatic conditions and its high solar potential.
Chiscani - Braila County, Romania
LAG Dunrea de Sud, Romania
LAG Dunarea de Sud is a local action group located in southern Romania in the plain area of the Danube meadow.
The main objective of the development strategy of the 17 component villages is to increase the quality of life through a SMART approach and taking the initiative from local communities to find practical solutions to the challenges.
Smart Village Scotland
Smart Village Scotland delivers rural Community, Tourism and Business development and includes a Digital Portal. The bottom-up strategy and its action plan delivers business enterprise support through it’s partner; Growbiz Scotland through the “Making Rural Business Digital” project as a National policy, creating smart villages and towns all over rural Scotland.
Nagypáli, Hungary
Nagypáli is a village of 540 inhabitants in Zala county in Western Hungary. The village has been developed over the past 15 years building on its natural resources based on its Green Road Village Development Programme. Developments have focused on renewable energy, tourism and local products through close cooperation of the local government and civil society.
Strathyre, Scotland
Strathyre is the first Smart Village in Scotland. As a small rural community, it had become tired and through a series of steps driven by aspiration, the community improved the village and its surroundings with a bottom-up strategy. Tourists arrived and the local economy benefited significantly. A digital portal now provides a wide range of useful information.
Women for Development, Armenia
Women for Development NGO is a grass root organisation based in Gyumri, Armenia, founded in 1997. Over the 20 years of operation WFD has worked in more than 70 rural communities of Shirak region. Currently it is working in 8 villages in Northern Armenia helping the villagers raise their problems and find solutions through implementing social and business projects.
Women for Development, Armenia
Mukarov, Czech Republic
Mukařov is a village with 2500 inhabitants located 30 km from Prague. It is a part of the satellite ring of the capital with huge increase of population and newly built houses. Our aim is to improve the quality of life, boost sustainable development, preserve the environment and good relations among neighbours – both long term residents and newcomers.
Észak-Hegyhát Small Region Union, Hungary
On behalf of the five Member Villages – Alsómocsolád, Bikal, Mágocs, Mekényes and Nagyhajmás we have launched the first Smart Region Pilot Project in Hungary. In our region among others we operate Digital Welfare Points and run robotics afternoon classes in local schools. Our ambition is to be frontrunners in innovative regeneration of rural areas.
Vila Boa do Bispo, Portugal
Vila Boa do Bispo is located in the North of Portugal. Our village has a very dynamic community where youth and sports organisations thrive and social institutions provide diverse and comprehensive support to the population. This small village has rich natural resources, from the Cabreira mountains to the international Tamega river.
This is the space for
Your Village or Village Association
Join us!
You don't need to be a 'smart' village to join the Smart Village Network. All you need is to be open for sharing, discussing and exchanging ideas and experience with others. We would also like to hear your opinion on what you think 'smart villages' are or should be. If you are interested in joining us, please get in touch.